Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ella Grace: {5 months old}

Babies at this age are SO MUCH FUN! I love watching Ella's little personality start to come out. She loves to be entertained...whether its by her toys or her siblings, she always needs stimulus....or she will "yell" at you!
She now gets frustrated with her toys in her play gym because she grabs them and tries bring them to her mouth but they won't come off the chain. lol. 
The only way she will nap in her crib...I know, I know...there shouldn't be anything in the bed with her. This nap lasted only like 10 minutes and never happened again.
She does, however, always have her blanket and binkie.

Ella LOVES to laugh and smile! And because I always have a camera close by, I am able to capture a lot of her happiness!

Ella has mastered grabbing toys and putting them in her mouth...
She is ALMOST rolling over!

Mommy (team Binkie) and the Thumb are still having a battle...the thumb wins most of the time.

She still enjoys the pool!
We went to the splash pad, for the first time as a family of 5, and she loved that too! I guess Ella will be a water baby just like the other two.

And the most exciting part of her 5th month was that she tried rice cereal and LOVED it!
I will be blogging a separate post for this soon!

5 month photo shoot
July 26, 2013


Ella Grace @ 5 months old:
drinking 4-5 oz every 3 hours
oatmeal for breakfast and rice cereal for dinner!
weighs ??? I think she is up to 12 pounds. We will weigh her on her 6 month birthday and get an accurate weight.
diapers: Pampers Swaddlers size 1
clothes: She still wears 3 month clothes! My tiny angel baby! I've tried some small 6 month jammies and they are still too big! Socks STILL don't stay on her feet because her ankles are still skinny and she always rubs her feet together and plays.
I CAN NOT believe she will be 6 months old in 2 days....

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