Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Flag Football Update

Each and every Saturday I am a PROUD (football) MAMA. I get to cheer on (one of) the MVP of the Texans!

Colin is almost finished with his first season of flag-football. He plays for Katy Youth Football and is on the Texans! How lucky were we to get that card?! He is L-O-V-I-N-G it! He plays QB most of the time and has a KILLER spiral pass to Maddoux. Maddoux and his family have become great friends of ours and we can't wait to experience "Texas Football" with them for years to come.

It has been so fun for Pete and I to experience this season with Colin. Pete is coaching and I am a team parent. We are planning on supporting Colin's football quarterback career through college and beyond. Unless he decides to become a pitcher, then we will really be in our area of expertise.

Football is such a great sport to teach kids about team work. Colin was having trouble understanding that at first. He would get upset if he didn't score a TD, if his pass to Maddoux was incomplete or if his hand off was fumbled by the receiver or corner back. We had to teach him that it's not about winning, but about doing your best each and every day. He has learned so so so much about playing fair, being a good sport and a leader. God has truly blessed me with a kind-hearted, loving, respectful young man that I can call my son. 

Ava has also enjoyed this football season! It is really fun to see her cheer on her big brother! Each game she becomes more interested in what is going on. She points, yells, looks for Brother Bear and yells some more. We always sit next to the boy's bench and Ava just makes herself at home with her football boys. She will help carry their water bottles, bring them an orange cone, wave "Hi" and "Bye" to them and always clap when a good play is made. She is so funny!!! What a little Diva we have on our hands!

Below are some pictures from each game thus far.

game 3: texans vs packers

game 7: ravens vs texans

Thanks for visiting our Wild World!
PS: Sorry for the picture OVER LOAD!

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