Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

Happy Halloween!!!!

Growing up, my family and I would carve a pumpkin or two every year before Halloween and now Pete and I are passing that tradition on to our kids. The past several years, Colin has thought the "guts" were gross and didn't want too much to do with them. He would stick his hand in the pumpkin and say "eewwww" or "YUCK!" and ask for a spoon. He would enjoy helping with the eye, nose and mouth removal and just watching Daddy and Mommy get yucky. Last year Ava slept through the carving but was awake to take a few pics. Oh, how much a year changes things...




This year was SO MUCH FUN! Everything Colin did Ava had to do! He had a spoon so she needed a spoon. He was standing on a chair, so Ava had to stand on a chair. Ava's first impression of the "guts" was questionable. She touched tasted them and made a yucky face but asked for more. Then once she realized that she could stick her hand in the pumpkin and not get in-trouble, that's ALL SHE WANTED to do. (You'll see in the pictures, that she wouldn't let go of the spoon.) We video taped some of the carving and got some cute, cute, CUTE convo going on between Brother and Sister bear. Because Ava is such a Diva already, we all only had he energy to carve 1 pumpkin this year. Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. We love pumpkin carving each year, too! Cute pics and I'm so loving your blog!!!
