Saturday, August 4, 2012

July 2012

In addition to all of the Summer Camps,
Colin's 1st Date, 
a quick trip to Galveston,
Celebrating the 4th of July,
going to the circus, the butterfly garden,
playing with our cousins,
July involved a lot of playing and laughing!
See for yourself!

Ava has FULLY FULLY FULLY enjoyed her birthday gifts!

We FINALLY celebrated Collin and Cooper's birthdays!

Ava has learned how to play hide-n-seek.
She even brings her baby dolls along!
There are SO MANY more picture opportunities when we are playing...I should remember to bring my phone along. ;)

I usually don't bring the kids shopping with me because it is more trouble than it's worth.
But I make an exception when I go to PetsMart because this might be Ava's favorite place on Earth!
We can spend an hour in there looking and talking to all of the animals.
During our last trip, I started taking pictures of her so (naturally) she took my phone from me and started snapping away....

We celebrated Robert and Susanna selling their old house!!!! YAY!

Nonnie and Papa's pool is always on our weekend agenda.

Ava gets sillier and more "creative" by the day!

She made a "Happy Cake" with chips and a muffin and started singing Happy Birthday!

Mommy and Daddy had a dinner date with friends so Aunt Gina came over to play!

Ava's MUST HAVES list is growing....the #3 item on her list is band aids...

We train them young...

There has been many rainy days this July so the iPad and DS games have been used a lot....

taken by Ms. A

notice the band aids... LOL!

The rainy days have also involved watching movies...
mostly The Muppets, The Little Mermaid, and Rio

We played with some of Ava and Colin's BFFs and ate many lunches together!

Ava was coloring one day and started yelling "Mommy, A A A!"
She wrote an A!!!! :)

About once a week, Ava gets a new mani/pedi

Mommy and Nonnie had a mother-daughter double date with Holly and Nancy!

Ava still tries to play with Oscar and treat him like her toy dogs...

We treated Aunt Nicki to a late night Orange Leaf date!

The Flores' brought back a Baby Ariel for Ava from Disney World!
Colin got a baseball to add to hit collection!

but every minute was worth it!

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