Sunday, February 10, 2013

Colin's 7 year check-up

May I just start by saying, Colin is going to be taller than me by the time he's 9 years old...
The check up went great, other than the fact he got a flu shot. Colin is TERRIFIED of shots! It takes all of Pete;s energy to hold him still/down when he gets a shot. I don't know what made him to scared of shots, I understand they hurt but they are always so fast. Ava, however, had no reaction at all. There was no crying, tears or even a flinch! She didn't even bleed!!!
Monkey See, Monkey Do...

Colin is healthy and growing like a weed!
His ears look good but both of his tubes have already fallen out. We are just going to wait and see if he gets more ear infections and if they affect his hearing again. So far, so good.
After the apt, we went to lunch then to a 3D ultra sound apt to see baby sister! (baby bump update coming soon!)

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