Sunday, February 10, 2013

January 2013

Colin spent some of his Christmas money and bought a Frisbee golf game and battleship!

We started the new year off right with a dinner date at Fudruckers!
Ava loves her new Dolly

Aunt Gina started a new obsession in our house...
Ice Cream date!
I and searchable on Google!
Boys will be Boys...

The cold weather can't keep US inside!

I'm pretty sure Ava will be a true Disney Princess at the Disney World one day


just a reminder from the birthday boy himself
We are still enjoying our Christmas gifts/toys
We watched both of the Texans playoff games with our best friends.


Oh Ava...

Mommy wasn't allowed to clip Ava's nails, but Lammy could!

These two are so silly!


Daddy was out of town for a few days so Colin had an exciting surprise for him when he came home!

Colin got invited to the Harlem Globe Trotters game with a friend, Maddox!


some of the sweetest moments EVER!

it's a brand new day people...ALL of the grandparents own iPhones!!!
They are giving each other pointers and discussing which apps they like!
We got together with The Peery's for a little "sports park" fun!

We had a few laughs with FaceTime!
Mommy and Ava went on a grils date for shopping, dinner and ice cream. :)

We also celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary and Colin had his 7 year check up...he is a giant. Those posts up next!

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