Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We are VERY VERY BLESSED to have our family in-town. We spend a lot of time with them and cherish the weekends and especially the holidays with them. This Thanksgiving, we spent Thursday with Pete's family at Al and Elaine's house. There was a house full...Jamie, Melissa and the kids came in town from Arkansas, our family of 4, Pete's parents and his sister Janeen and Derek were all jammed in the W house. We had a full Thanksgiving meal and it was delicious!

say "gobble, gobble!"

Ava 16 months, Emily 16, Derek 11, Parker 12, Colin 5 1/2


I started a new Willetts' family tradition...Turkey hands. I didn't have the "proper" paint but, hey, it's the thought that counts right. :)

Man...what a difference a year (or 2) makes...
Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving 2009 and my 25th birthday

one big happy family (less than 2 months until the wedding)

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