Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August {2012}

As Summer came to a close, we had to get a little creative with our time...

After the Zoo, Nonnie gave the kids wall stickers to decorate their bedrooms. Mommy got to color too. :)

We dog sat Penny for a few days. :) She was such a JOY to have around. We definitely spoiled her rotten...

Penny didn't use her bed much...

Sonic happy hour is always a nice treat!

Uncle Andrew hurt his ankle during a softball game so we brought him a "Get Well Soon" package!

In the evenings, it's finally cool enough for the kids to play outside.

Colin started yet ANOTHER collection...baseball and hockey cards!

The Art of potty training...

We kept getting stickers in the mail, little by little.

Ava is a daily entertainment for our family! She is so silly!!!

Ava got into my makeup bag while she was "helping me unpack"....

Daddy brought home some "surprises" home from a trade show.
There is a new Shipley's Donuts near the house. :)
Quiet time with a fruit snack and doggies.
We spent one Thursday with the Carter Family at Splashway. Both of the kids had a lot of fun. Ava went on a water slide too! Next summer we are thinking about getting season passes.

Colin "helped" in Ava's Sunday school class one morning and took some pictures for us. :)


Ava and her buddies took a little spin around the cult-de-sac one evening. Please excuse my shirtless baby :0/

Ava LOVES Oscar! He is getting used to her hugs...finally!
This picture remind my family of a "classic" picture of me from when I was Ava's age.
It's the chubby cheeks and chocolate running down her chest! LOL!
We finished the final touches on Colin's new room!

A little Popsicle treat before bath time.

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