Sunday, September 16, 2012

Grandparent's Day 2012

Grandparents are very special people in our hearts and we wouldn't be able to live without them!
To honor and celebrate the kids' Great Grandparents, we sent them
"Hugs from Texas".
I traced and cut out Colin and Ava's hands out of scrapbook paper and colored the back.
Then we measured their arms length (a hug) with curling ribbon and stapled it to each hand print.
I wrote the date and the kids' age on the hands too!
We can't wait for Papa Frank and Grandma Rose to open and enjoy their HUGS FROM TEXAS!

At SSE, all of the Grandparents were invited for lunch on Monday Sept. 10.
Colin felt a lot of love from all 4 of his Grandparents!
They all had a good time eating lunch together and creating memories with their favorite 6 year old!!!
However, this DID NOT make my parents miss elementary school lunch duty. ;0)  

Happy Grandparent's Day!!!!

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