Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mitey Mite Texans {game 1}

Colin is playing football again for the Katy Youth Football league.
This year, it's tackle. :0/ Mommy WAS NOT to excited about it but I guess it's what we have to do...we ARE playing KATY football, y'all!

The night before the first game, Colin was pumped to "crush" the Saints!!!!
We surprised the kids with a little first-game-eve gift and dessert.

Game #1:
Our first game was at 8 AM! You'd think that would be a good thing but our kids LOVE their sleep. So getting up, ready and out the door at 7 AM on a Saturday was not an easy task.

The boys played a GREAT game!!!!
Colin scored a touch down and an extra point.
He played both sides of the ball and made some pretty hard tackles!

The Texans WON!
18 to 6!
Flag Football FLASHBACK!

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