Saturday, November 26, 2011

Colin's Kinder Korner: Thanksgiving

Celebrating Thanksgiving in Kindergarten is SO.MUCH.FUN! We make Pilgrim and Native American outfits, have a Turkey parade and feast, and learn fun Thanksgiving songs and plays. So, at Colin's school they celebrate with a Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast and (on a separate day) a Thankful party. Pete was able to attend both events and I was so thankful for that! Colin chose to dress as a Native American. I asked him why he chose that and he said "Because the Pilgrim outfit is boring!". Ah, the mind of a 5 year old boy.

For the feast, each family was asked to bring their favorite Thanksgiving dish. Colin LOVES this fruit salad his grandmother makes, so naturally we whipped that up and Pete served it at the feast. His class learned 2 Thanksgiving songs/poems and performed them at the feast. Pete video recorded the performance and maybe one day I'll figure out how to post them on the blog. Colin isn't one for being on stage so he doesn't usually smile or really get into character. But when he's practicing at home, it's a different story. :)

For the Thankful party, the school PTA provided food and a Thanksgiving BINGO game. COLIN WON! How fun is that?! He picked out a red sports watch that has his school name on it. It is digital so for the past 5 days now, he tells us what time it is...Oh, about EVERY 4 minutes.

We are so so so thankful for SSE!

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