Colin's football season came to an end at the beginning of November. He truly has turned into a (flag) football super-star! Below are some pictures from the last games and the team party.
game 8: dolphins vs texans
game 9: texans vs broncos
The team party was also a huge success. The boys were presented with a trophy and a photo book to remember the season by.
This football season has exceeded any of our expectations. Pete had a great experience coaching and can't wait to take Colin all the way to the pros. ;o) I enjoyed being my motherly self and volunteering as a team parent. In doing so, our family has made new (forever) friends! The Traynors, Peerys and Crists are 3 wonderful, caring, and hilarious families that we have welcomed into our life. We are so thankful and feel honored to share our life experiences with our new friends! Here's to next football season!
PS: We are going to purchase this Texans Pillow Pet for Colin for his birthday in January.

its so great to read all the details i missed in person. Colin is such a STUD!