Monday, November 14, 2011

Thankful Tree

This time of year we are all reminded of what we are Thankful for. Why does that happen only in November and not the rest of the year? I know, I know, it's because of Thanksgiving. I feel like the rest of the year just goes by and we forget what God had blessed us with DAILY. God is Good...All the Time!

This year we have so many things to be thankful for...the new house and our fabulous neighbors, good health, amazing friends and family, and our jobs...just to name a few. One of the most important blessings we've been a witness to is Colin's thirst for God and wanting to know more. He is such a little sponge and always asks "WHY?!". There have been a few times that Pete and I are stumped and don't know how to answer his questions and tell him to ask Mrs. Simone when he goes to church on Sunday. ;o) But when we do get to have a God-centered conversation with Colin, it just makes me tear up and shows me (again) why God chose me to help Pete raise our children. What a wonderful thing to be Thankful For!

I have seen "Thankful Trees" on other blogs and family fun websites and just HAD TO create one with mine! When I told Colin about the family project, he was so excited! He loves being creative and crafty.

Mommy: "On each leaf we are going to write things we are thankful for."
Colin: "Why?"
Mommy: "Because it's always important to remind ourselves who we love or what things we are glad that we have."
Colin: "Oh....AVA! and GOD! I am thankful for my sister!"

When those words came out of his sweet little mouth, I about cried! What a sweet boy!

Here is a list of Colin's Thankful leaves:
Ava, God, Dad, Mom, Oscar, Michael, chicken nuggets, milk, water, food, our house, clothes, I love church, Nonnie, Papa Chuck, Grandma, Papa Al, Carter, I love my pet fish, Parker and Emily (cousins), dog food, backpack, bananas, football, the Texans, juice, lunch box

Ava was put to bed before the final product. We'll just get a brother-sister pic another day.

There are not enough paper leaves and twigs in the world to express our Thanks for God for all of the blessings we've received! We plan on creating a Thankful Tree each November and starting a new family tradition for the Willetts family.

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