Sunday, June 3, 2012

Colin's Kindergarten Korner: graduation

Celebration of Learning

Each Kindergarten teacher presented the Kindergarten certificates and awards in their own classrooms. It was a perfect, intimate ceremony with a tearful emotional photo slide show from the years events. Colin was ALL OVER those pictures...Mommy and Daddy made it in too!
Good thing Mommy brought tissues in her purse and wore waterproof mascara!

Colin received the Principal's Award (for behavior) and an Art award!!!!!

Graduation gift and Family date night

We went with a tub-o-summer-fun for Colin's graduation gift!

We couldn't leave out Ava. :)
she got a new ice cream bowl, a mermaid for the pool, and an Ariel beach towel

I asked Colin to pick out his favorite item from the tub and smile...
out of all the water toys, movies, towel, and stickers,
he picked the Lorax book!

We surprised Colin AGAIN with a family date night to Mountasia in Willowbrook
to further celebrate his graduation.
there are go karts, putt-putt golf, bumper boats, batting cages and indoor games

when Colin and daddy would drive in front of Ava and I,
she would wave and yell "HI BUBBY, HI DADDY!!!!"

the bumper boats were next on the agenda.
each boat has its own water cannon sprayer
Ava looks nervous in the picture but she had a lot of FUN!
Colin and another kid in the pond ganged up on Pete and SOAKED him!  

Ava copies EVERYTHING Colin does...
including walking on the water hose with one foot.

and holding the golf club the same way

it's game time!

Family Date nights are the BEST!
The kids sure did PASS OUT on the way home.

Now for a little blast from the past.

Countdown to Kindergarten

the 1st day of Kindergarten

celebrating the 1st WEEK of Kindergarten

getting ready for Pre-K

Pre-K celebration

Pre-K Graduation

Seriously...where does time go?
Before I know it, the kids will be graduating from high school!

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