Saturday, June 2, 2012

May Madness 2012

May Madness!

Ava is turning more into a two-year-old each and every day

babies and puppies are the key to Ava's heart


Ava requested that we switch shoes

Colin's new obsession is
Hunting Frogs!


We bought a "baby pool" for some after school splashing!

my kids are the cutest, and silliest munchkins I know!

We met our new friend TOBY LEE!

Colin lost his 2nd tooth on Mother's Day

our friends and family are always apart of our weekend fun!

congrats Mikayla on graduating Pre-K

Ava treated Mommy and herself to a mani-pedi

more May madness coming up:
*kindergarten graduation
*field day
*Yankees team party and celebration
*cousin Emily's hs graduation


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