Monday, February 20, 2012

Ava loves Elmo!

On Saturday Feb. 11, Ava, my Mom and I went to Sesame Street Live featuring Elmo's World!

Elmo is Ava's favorite S.S. character. Whenever Elmo's World starts to play, she drops everything and starts  dancing and singing! She loves Elmo so much, we have already thought about making her 2nd birthday party Elmo themed but I don't know if I could make it very girly... We'll see.

We got to the Reliant Center early so Ava could explore in the play-place before the show started. There wasn't much "playing" but she did love seeing the s.s. characters houses and posing for a few pictures. Bert and Ernie out on a little show too!

As soon as the show started, Ava was clapping, singing, pointing and dancing her little heart out! Our seats were awesome! We were in the first row of our section so she was able to stand up and look through the railing.

During intermission, Mommy bought Ava and Elmo spinning/flashing light and Nonnie bought her a giant Elmo balloon!

The 2nd half of the show was a little taxing for Miss A because it was right before lunch and nap time. Even so, she still LOVED ELMO LIVE! My mom and I can't wait to take her back next year!

PS: Ava was asleep before we even left the parking lot!

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