Saturday, February 4, 2012

a curtain of hearts

We decorate the inside of our house for every holiday and no with just store bought items. I enjoy getting my crafty juices flowing and creating life long memories with the kids. For Thanksgiving, we made a Thankful Tree, and for Valentine's Day we made a Curtain of Hearts. 

This is the first year, we've tried this and, if I do say so myself, it turned out SO SWEET! Both Colin and Ava have so much love to give and they are still so young! When I told them to write down who or what they love on each heart...they could not stop! As they were writing and coloring, we talked about all the people we love and why. Colin is so sweet... When I wrote the heart for Aunt Nicki and Aunt Gina, he read it and said "Oh yes...I REALLY do LOVE them!" my heart just melted!

We made Daddy nervous when we were coloring and writing on the floor but no worries...we didn't get any marker on the floor or the books we were using as our clipboards!

Ava went to bed before the project was finished but the next morning she saw the curtain of hearts and LOVED it! She pointed and told us all about what she thought! Colin was very strategic and careful while hanging the ribbon because he didn't want them to fall. He takes such good care of his work. :) One of the ribbons came very close to the nightlight we have in the hallway and Colin said, "Mommy, that is DANGEROUS...we need to move that light!". And now the nightlight has a new home. Thank you, fire-marshall Willetts!

Our list of love:
mommy, daddy, ava, mi self (as C spelled it), oscar, nonnie and papa, grandma and papa, aunt nicki, aunt gina, uncle andrew, aunt janeen, derek, uncle jamie, aunt melissa, parker (which was C's first heart!), emily, SSE, RPC, the houston texans, baseball, mommy loves daddy, ms. kendall (from ava), ms. hlinak (from colin), evan, carter, michael, mikayla, liam, olivia, collin, cooper, chloe, maddie, and colton, ava loves elmo

Ava's curtain pics were taken a few days after the finished project. Seriously...could she be ANY MORE PRECIOUS!

Check back soon for more valentine's day fun!
The Willetts

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