I received a "gift certificate" through my school district for 3 free classes at The Little Gym in Katy so I HAD TO enroll Little Miss Ava. I knew with the hustle and bustle of baseball season starting up, February was a great month for her classes.
During the beginning of each class she was very shy. She didn't want to participate in the warm ups or the first few group activities. I figured this would be so because she is shy in new situations. Once it was time for free exploration, her attitude changed. She loved everything! By the 3rd class, Ava was talking and playing with the other kids and their parents.
Jan. 21

After her first class, I treeated Miss A to a donut and milk breakfast!
showing Mommy her stamp |
After her first class, I treeated Miss A to a donut and milk breakfast!
When we came home form the first class, Colin told me he wanted to go. I didn't even think to ask him because 1. I would've had to wake him up early and 2. it's a class for 8 - 18 month olds. So...Big Brother C attended the 2nd class. Aunt Gina came too and I am so glad she did! I sure did appreciate an extra set of hands for pics and both of the kids.
Jan. 28
After class, we went to McDonald's for breakfast and Happy Meal toys.
The 3rd class was fun too! Daddy was finally able to come attend!
Feb. 4
We discussed keeping Ava enrolled in The Little Gym classes but decided to wait until the summer.
i have the most precious niece and nephew on the planet!