Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Colin: 6 years, Ava: 18 months

The kids had their well-checks on Jan. 25 with Dr. B.
Usually Ava starts crying as soon as he walks into the room but this time...NO TEARS! She was so brave!

Ava Rose @ 18 months:
32 inches tall
26 lbs 12 oz
75th% in both areas!

Colin was such a good big brother! He kept telling Ava to not be nervous and that we were here just to get a check up! When it came time for his exam, he wasn't so brave. He LOVES Dr. B and his staff, he was just scared about getting a shot. And in fact, he did have to get a TB shot. Even though we all explained to him (a million times) that it will only hurt a little bit, he was still apprehensive about it. Overall...he did OK.

Colin James @ 6 years old:
48 inches tall
57 lbs
90th% in both areas!

Seriously...she copies EVERYTHING he does!

I promise we are not giving him any muscle growth hormones....

We stopped by Chic Fil A afterwards for an ice cream treat!

When did my kids get so BIG?!?!

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