Monday, March 12, 2012

Houston Rodeo 2012

Every year we go to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo down at the Reliant Stadium. Pete and I love it just as much as the kids do.

Finding "rodeo gear" is half of the least it is for Mommy. ;)

We were alittle worried heading out there this year because there was an 80% chance of rain ALL DAY! Luckily, the rain held off for awhile! The kids LOVED seeing the animals! They were able to ride a pony, watch some pig races, visit farm animal and live stock exhibits inside the Reliant Center and visit the petting zoo to feed some farm animals (which Ava L.O.V.E.D!!!).

The petting zoo animals are hilarious! If they think you have food....they're comin' for it! A few deer were even chewing on Pete's jacket! We thought Ava would be scared because the animals were so aggressive. Boy, were we wrong...she loved it and wanted to walk around by herself. There were very few people feeding the animals at the same time we were so I was comfortable letting her down. Colin, on the other hand, was the nervous one. He wasn't too thrilled with having sheep and goats in his face. However, he laughed (a lot) when the animals were attacking Daddy!   

The baby animals were precious and I think Mommy Ava wanted to take them all home with her!

The best part of the whole day was when we got to cheer on Cowboy Colin! He signed up for the mutton bustin' event and did an amazing job! When he was finished he said "The sheep was crazy! But I held on good!". I video taped it and when we watched it back, we realized the sheep stepped on him...ouch! He has a little war-wound under his chin. :( But, of course, "it doesn't's okay to get injured sometimes because that's just what happens if you're a cowboy". Each participant received a blue ribbon, a certificate of participation and a t-shirt! I am so proud of my brave cowboy!

We always have a great time eating fried food, shopping for our dream truck and spoiling spending quality time with the kids!

Colin is now obsessed with cowboys and chose to buy a rope for his souvenir. From the minute we got home, he has been "practicing" roping different things around the house...a kitchen chair, the door knobs, Mommy, Oscar, the stair banister...

Look out calves...Cowboy C.W. is on his way!

time flies when you're having fun....

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