Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rookie 6 Yankees game update {1}

Little league baseball is in full swing!
Our first game was on Thursday night vs. the Tigers and we WON 14 to 9!
Colin hit 2 doubles and 1 single with an RBI. He played at 1st base, the pitcher's mound and 3rd base.
He was so so so excited after school to get ready for his first game! He was running and jumping everywhere he moved and was talking 90 miles and hour. He did sit still long enough to make a "score card" that he wanted Grandma to keep track of for him.

Ava had a good time playing with her friends and grandparents watching the game too.

I ordered Yankees gear for all of us but it didn't come in until after the game so we'll have another family picture when we are all in our appropriate attire. ;)

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