Thursday, May 3, 2012

april activities! {2012}

As usual, April was packed full of  friends, family, and enjoying the beautiful Texas spring days.
Ava is getting more adventurous each and every day!
She is watching her big brother too much ;0)

Colin and Ava have become such sweet siblings!
They love giving each other hugs and kisses and HAVE TO do everything together!

We spent the weekends at La Finca, Fudrucker's, Willie's and
invading the Flores and Schlangen kitchens!

Meet PENNY, Carter's new Blue Beagle!

Papa Chuck and Nana opened the pool!

We had to buy newborn diapers for Ava's dolls...
do you think she'll want to help this much if the baby is real?

We finally own an i-pad!

Ava still had her ear infection and we spent a lot of time in the pediatricians office. She ended up getting tubes in on Friday the 27th. I will publish a post just dedicated to this soon.
But for now, here are a few pics of her at the many visits to Dr. B. and snuggling with her favorites.

Seriously...When did Ava grow up?! She will be 2 years old in less than 2 months!!!!!

Baby Ariel is waving Bye-Bye

this photo was taken on 4.13.12

Ava and I found a baby Dove in our front yard and she chased into the neighbors flowerbeds and requested a picture with the baby bird!

We took a little stroll around the RPC campus one Sunday after church.

 Ava and I went to Hannah's 4th birthday party.

We are looking forward to May and all of its craziness...
the end of baseball season, kindergarten graduation, Emily's HS graduation in Arkansas, teacher appreciation, WATCH DOGS take 4, Mother's Day, field day and (of course) the pool!

1 comment:

  1. oh my many cute photos on just this post alone!! You have one funny baby girl. the ones of her and Colin together are presh. she's so big and cant wait to watch her grow in person!
