Friday, May 4, 2012

tubes for Sugar Bear's ears

During March and April (9 straight weeks), Ava had ear infections!
She never complained, not even once. So the only way we knew she was sick was because of the 102 fever! We should have known because Colin is the same way.
We tried 4 different antibiotics before we were sent to an ENT for a consultation to get tubes.
The ENT we saw is in Sugar Land and had GREAT recommendations from both friends and family members.
During our visit with the ENT, Ava had a full ear exam, including a hearing test. The results indicated a slight hearing loss in her left ear. Because of this, the ENT recommended tubes immediately!
We were in surgery with-in the week!

ava brought some entertainment into the waiting room...

The ipad and a little horse only last so long...

we treated sugar bear to a mcdonalds lunch (at home)

this is an "after" pic of giving her the antibiotic...
she wasn't this happy about 5 minutes before the picture was taken

April 27th:
We were so nervous!!! We knew that this was the best thing for Sugar Bear but to put her under anaesthesia?..YIKES! Her (out patient) surgery was performed at the Sugar Land Surgical Center on Brooks St and Hwy 6. Everyone there was SOOOO NICE and SWEET with Little Miss!

Ava was in a chipper mood too! She was talking with all of the nurses and playing with them and Ariel. She would cover the baby with her blankie and ask the nurses "What is she?!"...wait a few seconds...pull the blankie up to uncover Ariel...yell "There she is!!!". I think she did this about 50 times! There was even a Doctor that came in from the hallway just to tell us house cute she is! :)
Maybe it's because she was wearing matching oink pj's and bow and her finger nails were painted yellow (on her request, btw).

despite her facial expression she really did love this bed! she laid on it and was getting comfortable on the pillow and even relaxed for a few minutes.

Because of the staff's southern hospitality (even though it was 6 in the morning), Pete and I were much more at ease when they took Ava back for surgery. We were only away from her for 13 minutes! AND...Ava (and Mommy) didn't even cry!!! The doctor's said she did better than wonderful. She did get to take her baby Ariel , blankie and binkie with her. :)

We were home by 8:30 with a drugged sleepy and hungry baby. We ate breakfast and took a rest on the couch to watch HOP and she was back to her Diva-self by lunch!

After her afternoon nap, we even went on a bike ride to play at the park. (Yes, she is still in her pj's).

We are going back to the ENT for a follow-up apt on the 15th. 
I know the tubes are already doing the job. How you ask?
Well...SHE IS SO LOUD now! And she is repeating EVERY.WORD.WE.SAY!
I was told that there would be fast improvements but seriously, it has only been a week.
I am so thankful for this minor surgery and am continuing to pray that God's healing hands will be over Sweet Sugar Bear's ears!  


1 comment:

  1. aw I'm SO GLAD she is showing such improvement from after the surgery. that's incredible! She is so FUNNY with her little giraffe in the waiting room..LOL... It's great to read details on your blog that I miss being away. Thanks for posting!
