Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ava turns 2!!!!

Ava's 2nd birthday weekend was SUCH A BLAST!

It started on Thursday when the kids and I bakes letter A and number 2 cookies!
We used pink and purple frosting and princess sprinkles.
Colin was SUCH a good sport with the whole pink+purple+princess theme. He said "even though I don't like these colors, I will still use them because the cookies are for my sister and pink is her favorite. You know, my favorites are blue and red, but it's okay...I'll eat a cookie anyway!"
What a thoughtful big brother!

The Carter's were going to be out of town for her birthday dinner and party so we met up for some quick Sushi and family fun! The kids TOUR-UP that edimamie!

After dinner we zipped through PetsMart to buy goldfish for Ava's Elmo birthday party on Saturday.
Colin held the bag for us...untill Ava realized there were fish in it! :0/ 

The evening of her birthday, after she went to bed, I decorated her bedroom door and breakfast chair with Ariel streamers and balloons.

Friday morning, her actual birthday, she woke up with a smile on her face (underneath the binkie), and ready to PARTY! She loved the balloons and her new breakfast plate!




The rest of the morning, we spent time together as a family of 4, coloring, playing dress up and getting ready for our company to arrive.

We decorated the front door with Ariel streamers and red balloons. The kids wanted to do everything the same. If one had a balloon, so did the other. I have to say...the finish product turned out FANTASTIC!

After the door decorating, Colin asked if her could tie green curling ribbon around all of the door knobs. Sure, why not?!
When he was finished he tells me "I chose green because that is the color of Ariel's tail and I tied them and cut them in the shape and size of her crab friend's antenna."
Seriously?...could I have a more thoughtful son?!
Oh, and, he tied the movie room's doors shut "because, it would be rude for people to go upstairs and watch TV during Ava's party. They should be down here talking and celebrating with us."  

For dinner we grilled out and invited our family over for burgers, cake and presents to celebrate Sugar Bear's 2nd birthday!!!
We had an Ariel theme because (if you haven't noticed) she is IN LOVE with her!!!!

Um...babe...the burgers are on fire!
Don't worry, they still tasted good and had a nice char grilled look/taste ;0)

Colin took every body's drink order and helped set the table!

When she was opening her gifts from Nonnie and Papa, she saw an Ariel dress up skirt/tale and started jumping up and down, clapping and yelling "ARIEL! ARIEL!!!", then she saw the purse and jewelry too...OH BOY was she excited!

kissing the princess card from Great Grandma Rose

Aunt Nicki bought her a fairy princess dress that she instantly fell in love with!

Nonnie sewed Ava and baby Ariel matching dresses.

What a big girl!!!!

Mommy, Daddy, and Bubby bought her a new water table for the back porch.

When Ava saw her Ariel cake, her eyes lit up and she was so happy!
When we sang "Happy Birthday" she was smiling from ear to ear, and dancing and clapping her hands along. I just melted my heart watching that kind of excitement fly out of her little 2 year old body.

Surprisingly, I didn't cry AT ALL but I did have some major flashbacks to all of the milestones and blessings from these passed 2 years.
God has blessed our family with an amazing, beautiful daughter. She fills our everyday with laughter, hugs and kisses, and a little spunk and we wouldn't be the same without her.

Please check back soon for posts on her Elmo birthday party and her 2 year photo shoot!

a flashback to June 29, 2011

 a mini flashback to June 29, 2010

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