Sunday, July 29, 2012

tubes for Brother Bear's ears

Colin has had "ear issues" from infancy but just as the Dr would say "one more infection, then he'll get tubes", the infections would clear up. Now that he is 6, the worries of tubes went away...or not!
Colin is ONLY 6 and a boy so when he wouldn't answer us or respond to our comment or question right away, we blamed it on that. But then he started responding with "Huh?" or "What?" and would say he couldn't hear us. After a month of repeating ourselves and getting frustrated because he was "ignoring" me, we took him for a hearing test. He, in fact, did have hearing loss in BOTH ears!
He also had a lot of fluid build up in his inner ear and behind his ear drums.
Colin is always sniffing and rubbing his nose, which we blamed on allergies, so the ENT said to give him Claritin and Sudafed daily for 4 weeks. This was to dry out his sinuses. When we went for a follow-up, there was NO change. The only solution was to put tubes in and remove his adenoids.

Round 2 for the Willetts' kids.....

Colin's surgery was just as routine and easy as Ava's.
We arrived at 6:30 AM and he was nervous but ok. We brought his iTouch, DSi, blankie, Texans pillow pet and Dolphin. He had a lot of questions because he is older and knows about hospitals and why people usually go there. We reassured him that he wouldn't be in any pain and now he and Ava would be "ear twins". We saw the same hospital and surgical staff with both of the kids so that made Colin feel better too. He saw how comfortable we were with the staff and they "remembered" Ava so he started to laugh and talk with them more.

When he changed into his hospital gown, he got alittle embarrassed.

Colin got to listen to HIS OWN heartbeat!

Toro is ready too!

When they started driving him to surgery, the Nurse said that he was a crazy driver sometimes and that he tries to use the beds as Nascar racers. Colin thought it was funny but then right after I took this picture, another bed came by and the almost crashed!!!! How hilarious!

Aunt Nicki stayed home with Ava and we got this pic while Colin was in surgery!
What a yummy, healthy breakfast!

The surgery went perfect! He was separated from us for 38 minutes. When we went into recovery, he was sleeping and it took about another 40 minutes for us to really wake him up and let him drink water. All he wanted was for Daddy to hold him and to go home.

The Dr. said Colin had "gluey ears".
Behind his eardrums, the fluid was actually a glue/snot like consistency and was literally sticky.
Now it's all gone and hopefully will never come back!

When we got home, he slept another 2 1/2 hours. He wouldv'e slept longer but we needed to wake him up to drink and eat alittle something.

He was pretty chill the rest of the day but by 4:00 he was ready and raring to go!

His post-op appointment was this week and HIS HEARING IS 100%!!!!!
Praise GOD!

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