Monday, July 30, 2012

Fully Charged {ringling bros circus} 2012

We took the whole fam to the circus earlier in the month. I don't know who was more excited, Colin and Ava or Grandma and Papa!

I picked up these cute t's from Carter's.

Before the show started, there was an animal viewing party.
We were able to get up close and personal with the horses, elephants, and tigers!

My husband is catching on...he came out of his closet wearing an orange shirt with a lion on it! All because we were going to the Circus and he wanted to MATCH us!

Colin was literally jumping up and down when we saw the animals, especially the elephants.
Ava was excited too. See was pointing and yelling "phant, tiger, horsey..." but when we were right next to the tigers, she grabbed on pretty tight.

There was also a 45 minutes clown and gymnast preshow down on the 3 rings!
The kids were mesmerised!

Asia painted a picture for somebody to win during a raffle.

Apparently, elephants' favorite treat is an entire loaf of bread.

And the show begins!

The elephants were our family favorite!


Colin named his elephant Asia and Ava named hers Baby Asia!
Why are my kids SO STINKIN' PRECIOUS?!?!

Being silly on our way out. :)

We went to the Sunday morning showing to avoid Ava being a mess during nap time. We were there for about 5 or 6 hours because of the preshow events and the circus itself was longer than 3 hours.
She did SO GOOD! And then passed out before we even got out of the parking lot!

The kids bring the elephants every where!
So sweet!

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