Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer Camp 2012: {quarterback camp}

Colin attended a 4 day quarterback camp during June.
He had already learned so much about ball handling and some key "quarterback" plays from flag football. However, he is ONLY 6 years old so we wanted to give him as many learning opportunities as possible.

He wasn't too excited about the camp...mostly because it was at 8 AM and he usually sleeps in until 9 AM and it was HOT!

Once he got out there, and through the warm ups (which he hated), he was better.

KYF hired a nationwide known Quarterback Coach, Mike Simms, to run the camps. He definitely knows his football and has a lot to offer. I'd like to try and see him again when Colin get a little older so he can fully benefit from the coaching.

day 1: Colin wanted to be in full football uniform...

day 3: he was already tired and it was a struggle to get him in the mood
coach even had to pull him to the front so he would "pay attention"

I walked away for about 1 minute to take a few pics of Colin and this is what I come back to...

day 4: the LAST day...FINALLY
this is why he didn't like the warm ups... "they are too hard"

Colin was so so so close to getting his football into the trash can!


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