Saturday, October 6, 2012

September 2012

With school back full swing, my picture taking has slowed down a bit...well...maybe.
September had a lot of blessed celebrations...
Nicki and Andres got engaged!
Papa Chucks turned 65!
Grandparents Day was on the 10th
and we have football games every Saturday
Getting back in the (early to rise) schedule for school, got a little getting used to. We spent most of our afternoons falling asleep on the couch lounging.

Over Labor Day weekend, we went to our last Skeeters game of the season. It was a beautiful night to go and the kids (as always) had a blast! After the game, a "Man on Fire" ran the bases...he is making a USA tour and the Skeeters game was his "Texas Run"! Plus, the Skeeters won!

We celebrated Carter's 7th birthday with a "Games to you" truck!

Ava was home sick one day with a high fever. Well...she had a high fever in the evening but the next day she was 100% fine! Nonnie and Ava had a fun "sick day" together!
before Tylenol...
after Tylenol...
stay home "sick day"

Uncle Andrew went to Las Vegas for a few days and met-up with Cousin Michael!
The RPC chickens always get a visit from the Willetts kids!
Colin helped in Ava's class one Sunday. :)
Ava is definitely a 2 year old!!! She is not afraid to be creative and (try to) do her own thing!

Colin is becoming quite the silly one himself!

And when they are together...there is NO TELLING what will happen...


Ava had her 5 month follow up for her Tubes Surgery and EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!
Praise the Lord!
Happy Fall Y'all!

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