Friday, September 13, 2013

Summer Fun 2013: {family visits}

In late July, we had a lot of family visitors!!!
Uncle Jamie, Aunt Melissa, Emily and Parker came in town for a long weekend and we kept them busy!

Aunt Nicki and Uncle Andres were here over the same weekend!
They came home to spend the weekend at our house with the kids and for my parent's anniversary party.


They took the kids on a movie date to see The Smurfs 2!
This was the first time Ava has gone ANYWHERE without me!

On Saturday we had everyone over at our house for hot dogs and hamburgers!
It was one fun family event...
Later in the week, Pete's Aunt Gloria, Aunt Donna and GRANDMA came down for 2 days and we treated them with Lupe Tortilla!


It was a lot of family in a short amount of time! We wish we could see everyone more often!!!

Colin gets ear tubes....again

Colin had surgery to get tubes put in his ears last July but they both fell out by January. He got tubes the first time because his allergies/drainage/sinus pressure was causing him to have hearing loss. So, after his original set fell out, we waited until he was having issues again. As soon as the high allergy season hit this year, we started all over again. We knew the solution to the hearing loss was to get another set of tubes. To fix his allergies...there isn't any solution really. He already takes a pill every morning before school so the next step is to buy a fancy air purifier for his bedroom. Other than that, he will most likely live with this problem and have to get tubes over and over... Unless he just grows out of it.
The first appointment was to get a check up and a hearing test.
He weighs 72 pounds and is 4 feet 2 inches tall!

His surgery was on Wednesday August 21. He was nervous and had a lot of questions. He remembered how he felt last time and when they took the "shot straw" (IV) out. He was worried he would get another shot... He didn't need an IV because this time he only got tubes in. We arrived at 6:00 AM which his iPhone (iTouch), Yankees blanket, bible, Texans pet and Dolphin. The surgery was scheduled for 7:00 AM.

The same staff was on duty as last time so he was comfortable with them! I was happy to see familiar faces too! Colin was being himself the whole time, which was silly, asking questions, and requesting the MLB network on his TV.

Off they go!
The ladies were calling him King Colin and that they were giving him a ride on his Chariot!

He was away from us for about 15 minutes. Barely enough time for us to sit down and check e-mail. ;0)
While in recovery, he woke up quickly but was crying and complaining about feeling dizzy. Once we waited about 30 minutes, they brought him a Popsicle and let us know that the "sleepy gas" would wear off in a few hours. A few hours...more like a few minutes! He was talking and acting like himself by the time we got home. However, he was starving! He requested a smoothie on the way home then waffles and sprite and more waffles.

It's hard being a King...

By noon he was up and giving me a live play by play of the MLB network shows we were watching.
Colin's friends are the sweetest!!!! This was on our door when we came home!
We went back for his follow up last week and his hearing is back to 100%. Now we just need to pray and cross our fingers that his tubes last longer than 6 months...

Summer Fun 2013: {scented sand}

I wish the beach was closer but... it's not so I brought the beach to Ava!
I found this recipe on Pinterest and tried it out one hot afternoon.
To say that Ava loved her "kool aide" sand, is an understatement!


She's asked for sand several times since... :)