Friday, August 16, 2013

Summer Camp 2013: {connolly dance arts}

This summer Ava was a student at the Connolly Dance Arts Studio in Katy. She has never danced before so we wanted to try out this 6 week class before we signed her up for a whole year.
She LOVES dancing (at home) and was more than excited to get dressed for her first class.
She is the most beautiful ballerina I've ever seen!

It was an early morning...
Ava was such a big girl! She walked upto her teacher and the other girls all by herself. She was a little nervous but didn't turn back or try and stay with Mommy. She is getting so big!

We can't see into the studio through a window but we can see and hear everything on a large TV. I took tons of pictures and videos of Ava's first dance lesson EVER! She's the one on the X, in the middle of the row.

She did such an amazing job! A lot of the class is coping the teacher and dancing along to "music and movement" songs. Ava was one of the only girls in the class that followed directions and danced along correctly the whole class. I cried several times....

I told Ava that I was so proud of her and she looked like a beautiful princess and that she made me cry. She asked me if I was sad and I had to some how explain to her that it was a happy cry.
Then, she would ask me if I cried after every class. :)
Ava and Ms. Laura.
Big Brother Colin came to a few classes too!
Again...9:30 is an early morning for us Willetts...

Ella is such little sweetie "helping" big Sissy!

Ava was the line leader one morning and was SO HAPPY!
During the last class, we were invited into the studio. I was worried Ava wouldn't "perform" with us watching her...Boy, was I wrong. She danced her little heart out!!! Once again, she was one of the only girls that stayed on point and followed directions the whole class.

We took advantage of the pretty scenery near the studio.

I just noticed that Ella was wearing the same dress for Ava's first and last lessons. HA.
Thanks Nonnie for taking this precious picture of me and my beauties!
Our fall schedule is crazy with football, bible study, swim lessons and just getting back into the swing of things so Ava won't go back to dance class until January. I can't wait to see where her love of dance takes her!

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